A few boats went to the point Earlier this week and most came back empty handed, guys didn’t see much sign of anything. Today there was a few boats out again and catches were slightly better, I got reports of from mombak to 4 YT on a boat outside the point. Water is pretty cold, around 13.5 at the point and 13 in the bay. We spent a few hours out in the bay today, managed one chokka off Simonstown and a couple small Roman and reef fish, I did get a report of a few mackerel around but we couldn’t find any.
There was some reports of a few snoek today off Scarbrough, a few commercial boats were there catching Bream and the ones that had bait caught a handful of snoek each, they did however say that they saw plenty of sign of Snoek.
Up the west coast there was pretty good YT caught off st helena bay earlier this week on the North Blinder, yesterday boats reported that there was little to nothing and then today boats managed to get some, believe anything from 20kg to 200kg on a boat. Guys saw plenty fish on the echo but it didn’t want to bite properly.
Have a great weekend!